The Power of Godliness Doctrine & Covenants 84
There is a lot to learn about "the power of Godliness" and all that it does to prepare us to return to live with Heavenly Father. The ways that priesthood authority have blessed my life are too numerous to count, and I wouldn't even know where to begin.
But the verse that stuck out to me, and a large part of my weekly journaling this week was centered around verse 44.
For you shall live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God
That's a pretty tall order.
It doesn't say pick and choose which words to live by, or only live by them if you agree with them, or follow the Savior unless it gets too hard or other things in life get in the way.
It says every word. And how can I know that I am living by them if I don't know what they are?
It really drove home the point to me just how important it is that I study the scriptures every day. Not just to read them, but to really understand them and know how to implement the things I learn into my life.
As I was thinking about this idea this week, a particular scripture kept coming to mind that I have always loved:
For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart? (Mosiah 5: 13)
The way to know God is to study His words, know His commandments, and do them. I am told to "beware concerning [my]self and give diligent heed to the words of eternal life". Words like beware and diligent do not lead me to believe this is a casual commandment.
Words of eternal life are truth
The formula is pretty simple, really, if I pay attention. And it is laid out nicely in verses 43-48.
The word of the Lord is truth.
Truth is light.
Light is the Spirit of Jesus Christ
The Spirit of Jesus Christ gives light to every man that comes into the world. (There's that word every again! Not just a few choice people, but everyone that comes into the world! We all have this glorious gift of the Savior's light available to us.)
If I listen to the Spirit, I will know what to do.
If I do it, I will come to Heavenly Father and He will teach me.
If it's so easy, why does it seem so hard sometimes?
The pattern laid out is so simple, and there are so many times I wonder why I feel inadequate, or wonder why I can't just "do it" without the struggle. Especially when the struggle is always my own fault.
I make it more complicated than it needs to be. I put way too much pressure on myself to be perfect at all of it and then beat myself up when I'm not. I let faith get away from me and doubt myself and the process.
And sadly, sometimes I do take lightly some of the things I have received. I hear the whisperings of the Spirit and I whisper back "maybe later, right now I'm in the middle of something."
I want to know more of God's word
Not too long ago I was thinking about the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon and talking with a friend about how awesome it would be to have it unsealed and get to know even more.
This lesson reminds me why that isn't happening yet, and that's because I am personally not ready for more. I have more than I can manage right now, and until I have done what I need to do with what I've already got, I don't think it can happen.
But over the last couple of years as I have been diligent in my scripture study, I have felt a change come over me. I actually find myself looking forward to it, and I get great rewards every day that I do it. And if I miss a day, I feel the emptiness of it.
I hope that as you delve more into your scriptures you feel the same!
Challenge Cards and Lesson Helps
Be sure to grab this week's free printables over in the FREE STUFF section, (you will find the printables to go with this week's lesson in the AUGUST files) and then visit this blog post to find the links to go with this week's activities!
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