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Come Follow Me Lesson 3 Nephi 20-26

Ye are the Children of the Covenant 3 Nephi 20-26

This has been a great week of scripture study for me!  I love this lesson Ye are the Children of the Covenant, and I felt like it went along with everything that I heard and learned in General Conference last weekend.  I don't know about you, but I walked away from Conference feeling at peace, but with an underlying sense of dread as well.  But I also got an overwhelming message--that I need to be sure to stay fully immersed in the scriptures and in the gospel of Jesus Christ and, come what may, things will work out as they should.

Come Follow Me Lesson Ye Are Children of the Covenant

What does it mean to be children of the covenant?

President Nelson said:

We are among the covenant people of the Lord. Ours is the privilege to participate personally in the fulfillment of these promises. What an exciting time to live!

I loved his explanation of the word Israel, and as I thought about his definition, it brought completely new meaning to the prophecies in this lesson.  In fact, it brought all new meaning to the idea of "gathering scattered Israel" which has seemed like such an overwhelmingly large task to me for my whole life, and I never really properly knew what it involved.

Suddenly, "Israel" wasn't some group hiding in remote parts of the world waiting to be discovered and "gathered" but it became all of us. 

The promises that God gave to Abraham really do apply to all of us as we let Him become the focus of our lives.

A Great and Marvelous Work

A huge portion of this lesson is Christ's prophecies about the last days.  It's amazing to look back over the course of the last 200 years and see how the Lord has been preparing the world for the Savior's return, starting with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.  I love reading these chapters!

One of the messages that really stuck out to me is in 3 Nephi 22: 10.

For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on me

As we face the many difficulties that life is bringing to us right now, being reminded of the Savior's KINDNESS and PEACE are exactly what I need moving forward.

What is the 'covenant of my peace'?

Daniel Judd, in his book Hard Questions, Prophetic Answers, answers the question: What is "the covenant of my peace"?

Although there are many temporary strategies for finding peace amidst adversity, the only way to experience the 'peace of God, which passeth all understanding' (Philippians 4:7) is through the 'merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah' (2 Nephi 2:8). The counsel of the Savior and of prophets ancient and modern points us to what the Lord described as 'the covenant of my peace' (3 Nephi 22:10) which nurtures a spirit of optimism, inspires hope, increases faith, strengthens families, and helps maintain or reclaim sanity in the lives of those who face hard questions and seek to implement the answers the Lord has provided.

This description adequately portrays the feelings I felt after listening to General Conference last weekend.  Those who spoke really did nurture a spirit of optimism, inspire hope, and help to increase my faith.  I hope I can continue to reclaim sanity as I feel that difficult times are ahead.

Hearing the Savior's own words as He tells me that the covenant of His peace will never be removed strengthens me to move forward.  I hope that the study of this week's lesson will do the same for you.

This week's Challenge Cards and Lesson Helps

I have to say that it was a little tough as I was looking for things that go with this week's lesson.  I found a lot of talks that I loved, and some great videos, but for activities for kids it was a little more challenging.  And then, like a miracle, it happened, and I found what I was looking for.

Come Follow Me study helps for 3 Nephi 20-26

The activities I put on the kid's Challenge Cards this week are equally great for EVERYONE.  So if you're looking for some great stuff, be sure to print both pages, even if you normally don't get the challenge cards for kids. (Start with the "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus" music video--I LOVED IT!)


Still looking for more help with Come Follow Me for the Book of Mormon?  Check out the Study Companions for Kids and the Book of Mormon Journals in my shop!  The year is nearly over, but there are still three full months ahead!  They are all on sale now! (And keep an eye out for the Doctrine and Covenants books, coming soon!)


Have a great week of study and here are the links for some of this week's activities!

We Never Walk Alone

The Gathering of Scattered Israel

The Windows of Heaven

Divine by Design--Lessons Learned from Washing Hair

The Refiner's Fire

2018 Worldwide Devotional "Hope of Israel"

Come Follow Me-- Jesus' End of World Prophesies

Spiritual Dynamite

David Butler's 5 Minute Fireside on Prayer

Shower of Heavenly Blessings

I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus

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