Alma's words from these chapters give me back the hope that I have been struggling to hold onto. Not that the world is going to go back to the way it used to be, but that there are good things to come. I can look to God and live...and not just the expected "next life" but in this life right now.
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The lessons we learn from the Anti-Nephi-Lehies are so numerous that it seems like each time I read about them, a new thought comes to mind. But truly, the greatest thought I ever have as I read this story is that I hope one day people can say, when speaking about me, is that I "never did fall away".
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Ammon went to the Lamanites, not to simply convert them, but he felt genuine distress in his heart for their souls, and wanted to offer them a chance for eternal life. This is so much more than just "spreading the gospel", it is true and sincere love for God's children.
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There are a lot of places in the scriptures where we hear about the "rest of the Lord" and at times it can be hard to determine what that actually means. While I'd like to believe that 'entering into the rest of the Lord' means that if I have faith, my life will be comfortable as the Lord brings me peace, we really do learn in Alma 13-16 that this is not the case most of the time.
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We read a lot in the scriptures about a mighty change of heart, and these chapters in Alma are a really strong testimony of how important it is that we ALL experience it. One of the most beautiful things in Alma 5-7 is that Alma is speaking to all kinds of people! He speaks to those who are in need of repentance, those who have already experienced this might change, and those that have not yet joined with the Church.
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