A funny thing happened as I was reading the sections in this lesson. I got an answer that I didn't know I needed to a question I didn't know I had. It's always funny when the Spirit works that way. Section 89 really is a principle with a promise, and I learned that this week.
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The blessings that come to me because of the covenants I have made, the truths I have learned, the Priesthood that has blessed my life, and the Spirit that is with me every day remind me that I owe the Lord far more than I can ever repay. Yes, He requires a lot of me as he asks me to keep His commandments, but it is the least I can do compared with all He has done for me.
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Isn't it interesting how the same experiences can change and shape individual people in different ways? And how our own experience is so tailored to us that we can see through those experiences how the Lord loves and knows us individually?
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We know that life isn't going to be easy, but sometimes when things are tough it's hard to remember the good in the world and remain cheerful. And that first verse made me wonder if there were blessings that I've missed out on while I sat in a corner wringing my hands about things.
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Do you ever have those moments when you're studying in the scriptures and the message that Heavenly Father has for you is SO personal and SO apparent that it is completely unmistakable?
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It's interesting to contemplate what it must have been like to be one of the men chosen to stand as a witness to the gold plates. This week as I studied Doctrine and Covenants 14-17, it seemed like I had to work extra hard to figure out exactly what the message was for me.
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The Lord will heal our broken hearts, and comfort us, and He will answer our prayers if we ask and then actively look for the answers, and the peace and comfort that follow. I am so grateful for my knowledge of this because it can and does change everything.
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I read an article as part of my weekly study this week about faith, hope and charity and how they are the three most important things in the world. This lesson, May Christ Lift Thee Up, has had great meaning to me this week, and has caused me to stop and examine my life a little more than normal in order to see where I really stand.
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I don't know about you, but I spend a lot of time thinking about, complaining about, and pointing out my weaknesses to others. I think it's human nature to always look in the mirror and see the flaws, but is that really a bad thing?
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The honest truth is, I have no idea where the Lord is leading me right now. And I have good days, where I can feel the wind pushing me, but the waves and turbulence have calmed. But I also have those days when it feels like the storm is picking up, the waves are crashing, and my boat is tumbling. I have been trying to not let those days get the better of me, but it can be difficult.
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The idea that my own "veil of unbelief" is holding me back from the Lord's blessings has been on my mind a lot this week. In fact, the whole story of the brother of Jared has held some important messages for me this week as I've been contemplating how it might be possible that I could rend that veil of unbelief, because I definitely have one.
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I imagine it was difficult for Mormon as he watched the destruction of his people and wished that he could persuade all to repent. Yet also being so close to the Lord and a prophet, he ultimately knew where things were leading, and it had to be heartbreaking for him.
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