By focusing deeply on one needed attribute, as you progress in obtaining that attribute, other attributes begin to accrue to you. Your significant efforts to gain one attribute become the tide that raises all boats in the harbor.
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Being a primary activities leader can be such a fun and rewarding calling. If you're looking for a great activity, these journals are something the girls will love.
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If you're finding yourself riding the struggle bus, just remember, there's a reason they call it a bus and not a Mini Cooper. Because it's big and there's a lot of passengers. We all get on and off at various times, but the bus is always fully loaded.
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We all believed we were awesome as kids. Remember that time you were sitting in elementary school and the teacher had you write or draw something about what you wanted to be when you grew up? When and why did that change?
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A scripture journal is the recordings of the things you read, the lessons you learn, the revelation you receive, and your personal testimony about important gospel principles. The BEST thing about scripture journals is that they are as personal as your study! It doesn't matter, because you won't be graded, judged or scoffed at no matter what you choose to do!
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If you're going to write in a journal, first you have to have one, right? There's definitely no shortage of tutorials out there to turn a composition book into a cute journal, but I'm gonna promise you right here that this is the easiest journal you'll ever do.
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